Miracles do happen. After almost a month of being locked out of my personal Facebook account, Speaking of Idaho, Friends of Idaho State Parks, and Writers at Harriman because of a malicious hack, I’m back. I’m not sure what did the trick. I’ve been poking at Facebook ever since the day it happened, trying to communicate with an actual person instead of a bot. Perhaps one of those got through, and someone lifted the lock. Law enforcement told me that I’d never get the account back. I’ll be restarting my Speaking of Idaho feed on May 1. Thanks for bearing with me these past few weeks.
The first book in the Speaking of Idaho series is out. Ask for it at your local Idaho bookstore, find it on Amazon, or, if you want a signed copy, click the button.
The second book in the Speaking of Idaho series is out. Ask for it at your local Idaho bookstore, find it on Amazon, or, if you want a signed copy, click the button.
Rick's book about Fearless Farris is available on Amazon! Click the picture above to be taken to Amazon. If you'd like an autographed copy, click the button below.
Author, SpeakerRick Just has been writing about Idaho history since 1989 when he wrote and recorded scripts for the Idaho Centennial Commission’s daily radio program, Idaho Snapshots. His latest book on Idaho history is Images of America, Idaho State Parks. Rick also writes a regular column for the Idaho Press. Check out Rick's history of Idaho State Parks.
The audio link below is to Rick's Story Story Night set called "Someplace Not Firth"